At Nature's Materials, we understand that there is a plethora of educational information online. It isn't easy to discern reliable, consistent resources from those based on opinion and clickbait. A reliable and trustworthy resource is Smithsonian Learning Lab, a branch of The Smithsonian Office of Educational Technology (OET). The goal of the learning lab is to inspire the discovery and creative use of the Smithsonian's rich digital materials - million of images, recordings, and texts. Organized by interest and filled with many resources, the site offers the ability to create an account to create and share personalized collections of Smithsonian's assets and user-generated resources.
Teachers, students, and families looking to augment their learning needs can use the lab by creating an account and having access to:
Instead of "googling" and watching endless videos on Youtube to find the right resource, check out The Smithsonian's Learning Lab to find the right material to support your learning needs.