According to - there are about 2 billion websites, but less than 400 million are active!
How do you know you have access to resources that are accurate and up to date? It isn't easy to navigate the world wide web these days. That is why here are Nature's Materials; we have curated a list of reliable resources that will satisfy the curious mind and augment the learning experience including the American Museum of Natural History - Ology website.
The science website from the American Museum of Natural History provides fun resources for both educators and children to include an iPad app. The site is easy to navigate and very engaging, as it has a menu based on
Interests :
Topics :
human cultures
Earth & Space
Ology or the study of :
The site also has mini features such as :
"Ology Pick of the day" - common questions
"Coming to the museum" - section for a list of fun things to see
"Ology Card of the Day" - currently, there are 377 cards
"Did you Know" - fun fact
"Popular Topics" - list of common searches
For educators, there is a special link on how to use Ology with students and resources for learning to include:
Ology Challenge - great hands on activities
Museum Hall Guide
Curriculum Unit
Games and Interactives
Hands-on Activity
Lesson Plan
Teaching Case
Instead of "googling" and watching endless videos on Youtube to find the right resource, check out The American Museum of Natural History OLogy science site to find the right material to support your learning needs.